Interested in Joining the Team?

Postdoc Positions

Please contact me to discuss postdoc opportunities.

PhD Positions

I have no openings for new PhD students at this time.

MSc Positions

I have no openings for new MSc students at this time.

Undergraduate Research Opportunities

  • Independent Study: Perform astrophysics research and get course credit (available for the Fall/Winter/Summer Semesters).

  • Funded Summer Research: Perform astrophysics research and get paid to do so (available for the Summer Semester). Requires a grant application submitted at the end of January; Chinook Summer Research Awards (Canadians and International) or NSERC USRA (Canadians only). These are competitive grants and submitting an application does not guarantee funding.

Undergraduate students should contact me in July/November/March if interested in independent studies for the Fall/Winter/Summer semesters, and in November if interested in summer research.