Recent/Upcoming Public Talks:
Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Alberta (APEGA) Webinar (Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada)
Royal Astronomical Society of Canada: Alberta Star Party (Milo, Alberta, Canada)
Benjamin Dean Lecture Series (San Francisco, California, USA)
Texas Tech University AstroNight (Lubbock, Texas, USA)
Girl Guides Nebraska James Webb Space Telescope Event (Virtual Public Talk, USA)
Nanaimo Astronomical Society Meeting (Virtual Public Talk, Canada)
James Webb Space Telescope Celebration: Wayne State College (Virtual Public Talk, USA)
NASA's Webb Space Telescope Community Events: Roswell Public Library (Virtual Public Talk, USA)
Maunakea Skies Public Talk Series (Imiloha Astronomy Centre, Hilo, Hawaii, USA)
The Universe Tonight Public Talk Series (Visitor Centre, Maunakea, Hawaii, USA)
InnovateHER STEM Summer Camps (Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada)
Journey through the Universe (Hilo, Hawaii, USA)
Astro Day (Hilo, Hawaii, USA)
AstroNight (Lubbock, Texas, USA)
Former Editor of Maunakea Observatories Science News
I was one of four Canadians interviewed by SkyNews Astronomy Magazine for an article on the research and outreach efforts of Canadian astronomers in Hawaii; "Dispatches from Hawaii" by Sahar Fatima.
Sky & Telescope Astronomy Magazine published an article highlighting my work on MAXI J1820+070; "Astronomers watch black hole jet launch" by Lyndie Chou.
NASA published a NICER Science Nugget highlighting my work on multi-wavelength fast timing of MAXI J1820+070.
I contributed both SMA newsletter and EAO newsletter articles on the extreme mm/sub-mm flaring and jet ejections we observed from V404 Cygni.
Captain America tweeted about my work on V404 Cygni to his 15 million followers!